Amount before free delivery

Display how much left to spend before getting free shipping

Display the remaining amount before free shipping in real time By showing the amount missing before free delivery, your customers will be able to know at any time how much they must add to their cart in order to avoid... (Read more)

2-year free module upgrades : buy this module and get its upgrades for free during 2 years (see terms and conditions).

Display the remaining amount before free shipping in real time

By showing the amount missing before free delivery, your customers will be able to know at any time how much they must add to their cart in order to avoid the shipping costs.

This module will therefore allow you to very easily increase the average basket of your store.

It offers you the possibility to display the message indicating the amount in many places of the store (at the top of the site, in the order tunnel, …). It even has a widget to embed custom blocks anywhere in your theme.

Messages are updated in real time, as soon as the customer adds or removes a product from his cart, changes his address or selects another carrier.

Works with all Prestashop stores

Thanks to these 3 operating modes, the module is suitable for all Prestashop stores :

  • the “Basic” mode, if you offer delivery from a certain amount, whatever the carrier,
  • the “Prices ranges” mode if you use the price ranges system to define the shipping cost depending of cart amount
  • the “Cart Rule” mode, if you trigger free delivery using cart rules

NB: the module is compatible with all versions of Prestashop 1.7

Many configuration options

The module has very complete customization. For each of the blocks you can modify its text and its appearance (background and text colors, before and after obtaining free delivery, etc.) and choose whether it should be displayed or hidden when the customer has reached free delivery or when the cart is empty.


This module is fully compatible with “zipcodezone” module (or “Shipping fees based on postal codes).

Shop demo

Discover how the module works on this test shop:

Admin demo

Accédez à l\'interface du module pour en savoir plus sur ses options et ses mécanismes

Use the following credentials to log in:

  • User:
  • Password: demodemo
  1. Pierre H

    Very easy to install and configure. Several display options, the customer is obliged to see at a time how much he has to pay to have the free shipping! Serious and responsive developer, I recommend.

  2. PSFX

    Simple, effective and thorough. It does exactly what it supposed to do, without unnecessary complications, yet offering a wide range of customization if needed. The documentation is clear for beginners and detailed those who are comfortable in customizing by coding. The developer is quick to respond to questions and demonstrated a great deal of availability for some specific aspects of the customization needed for my client. I recommend it.

  3. Alan P.

    Great module!

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